Back before the digital days, when Donna Grossman Casting needed to find real people, Donna and her team pounded the pavement, combed the beaches, canvased the public parks and loitered outside of busy office buildings, restaurants and department stores looking for that next interesting face and story to tell. Donna and the crew would put on their DGC baseball caps, grab their clipboards and Polaroid cameras and wander the winding streets of this concrete jungle. This was real people casting at its best. They expanded to different territories according to the needs of each project. From small towns in New Jersey for a local bank, to Boston, Massachusetts for a cell phone company and all the way down to Savannah Georgia for Miller Beer; there were no limits where Donna and her team would travel.




On an average, for each real people casting project, hundreds of emails are received. These emails contain pictures, stories, and reasons people would like to be considered. Each and every one of these emails is reviewed carefully by Donna and her team, as they select the individuals who will best suit the campaign. And as unusual as it might seem, even the people who are not selected receive a response to their email with thanks for submitting their story; everyone deserves a response, and we know we are representatives of our clients’ brand on most projects. We always keep this in mind.





Donna’s casting sessions are in a comfortable, private and intimate setting. People who are not accustomed to being on camera need to feel a sense of trust and comfort in order to tell their story to a stranger. This is where Donna shines. Donna has been a people person all her life. With her background in the arts, as well as a degree to teach, Donna not only knows the right questions to ask, but takes the time to listen, and respond. She and her team provide the perfect environment for people to let their guard down and open their hearts.